
วันศุกร์, กรกฎาคม 05, 2556

10 feelings that's going to happen when you are a parent

1. Feeling guilty. Whether you are breastfeeding or formula. Should you train your children to sleep or not. Should you return to work or be a stay at home mom. You will feel guilty all the time. You'll wonder if your decision would be right or wrong. Other people can make you feel guilty too, whether they said it or not. The solution is to accept whatever you have selected. Whether it's right or wrong, it's based on the best solution for the child and your family. Guilt, in fact it's influenced by the opinions of the others.

2. Feeling angry. Anger is an emotion that is deadly dangerous, especially if it happens to your spouse, your children or even yourself. You have an anger in many cases, such as a driver tries to cross cut you. Waiting queues at the supermarket for a very long time because of just one woman, etc. This happens because you are overtired. The solution is to find some times to get some sleep, and to relieve your stress.

3. Feeling yourself incompetent. When your children don't stop demolish the house, don't listen to you. You may have thought that someone would have come, knock the door and pick them away because sometimes you're just so overwhelming. But it doesn't mean that you are a bad mother.

4. Feelings competitive. If you have friends or relatives who have children the same age, you are always secretly competing. Even though you do not brag or boast about it but it could be secretly glad when your daughter can walk before your close friend one or your son scores better than the son of your best friend.  It's really unavoidable.

5. Feeling unsatisfied (sometimes). If you say no, you never miss the time when you have no child, which is free and fun that means you're lying. If you say you're 100% satisfied with the life you are now, you are also lying again. However it's occasionally, for example, just when you don't sleep enough or never sleep well through the night since 2009. But believe me, you never regret that you have children.

6. Sense of fun. You never regret to have children because it makes you have fun every day. Although sometimes, be provoked or challenged by your children. It also makes you happy. The smile, hug and kisses, as well as the handshake between you and them.  It's been a pleasure.

7. Intensity grateful and appreciation. When you become a parent yourself, you appreciate your parents more than ever. Hands up, if you agree! Now you have this feeling when you are a parent, then you can call your mother to apologize and say thank you for what she's done to you and for you. You will even feel appreciate your spouse and yourself more. Even only 10 minutes for having a cup of coffee peacefully can make you feel appreciate too.

8. Feeling more clever to think strategically how to win the situation. Knowingly when to fight or to step back. Learn how to love wholeheartedly and realize that your heart is actually much bigger than you've ever thought. You're more protective and so much love forever for your children.

9. Feeling humble and simple. Being parents will give you the peace of mind and more simple life. But if you won't, that is also normal.

10. Feeling being loved. The love from your childen is so pure. When you look into their eyes and they wrap their little hands around you. That's called love.

Credit to : Pediatrician Dr. Suteera Auepairojkij(สุธีรา เอื้อไพโรจน์กิจ)

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