
วันพฤหัสบดี, สิงหาคม 05, 2553


First time of doing something always creates a strange feeling for me! It's hard to describe when I have to do something that I've never done before, it doesn't matter how big or just a small issue, I'm always nervous.

What the feelings can caused me nervous; curious, excited, scared, etc? Whatever, I've learnt something; the more I try to make things done, the more I probably make mistakes. The more I possibly make mistakes, the more I learn. I have to keep in mind, self improvement is significantly happened when you've learnt from the life lessons, so I can be scared unless I grow up and be mature.

What are my significant 'First Time' in my life...........
- First job
- First new job
- First living alone
- First (second hand) car
- First (brand new) car
- First boyfriend
- Love at first sight
- First love
- First true love
- First leaving my home country
- First living in another country
- First learning people with different nationality, languages and culture
- Plenty of first mistakes

Every mistakes that have happened, some are still being kept in my mind as the good memories for years and years, some are unable to fix but some are not, many of them that I'm trying to forget but they are still remembered. Also plenty of them that I think they're forgotten but occasionally they back and badly remind me.

Sensibility seems to be the best way to live with. However, unavoidable 'First times' that will be happening in the future with the unintentional mistakes will not be that scary, if I am being conscious and keep learning.  One day, they will be becoming the second and third and respectively becoming a familiarity as a cycle, when I got used to them I will not be scared anymore.

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